Partitions Vos critères de recherche : Base de données Partitions, Titre Symphony 3 in c Minor, type de recherche tous les mots
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Finale from 'Symphony for organ and orchestra #1 in D minor' Ha épuisé |
Guilmant, Alexandre |
Prevost, Arthur |
8:06 |
3012653 |
Symphony #1 in C minor (1st 'Linz' version) (1866) 3,2,2,2--4,2,3,0,Tmp,str |
Bruckner, Anton |
Haas, Robert Maria (éd.) |
3024013 |
Symphony #1 in C minor B.9 'The Bells of Zlonice' (1865) 2+1,2+1,2,2--4,2,3,0,Tmp,str |
Dvorak, Antonin |
BARTOS, Frantisek |
3024015 |
Symphony #1 in C minor Op.23 (1875) 2,2,2,2--4,2,3,0,Tmp,str |
Paine, John Knowles |
3024017 |
Symphony #1 in E Minor 'Nordic' Op.21, SymO, Prt |
Hanson, Howard |
4 |
4061920 |
Symphony #2 in C minor 'Resurrection' (1894) 4d4,4d2,3d1+2Eb(1d cl4),4d2--10(4 off-stg),10(4 off-stg),4,1 |
Mahler, Gustav |
3024099 |
Symphony #2 in C minor Op.134 'Hakon Jarl' (1875) 2,2,2,2--4,2,3,0,Tmp,str |
Reinecke, Carl |
3024094 |
Symphony #2 in C minor Op.17 'Little Russian' (2nd version - 1880) (1872/1880) 2+1,2,2,2--4,2,3,1,Tmp,perc,str |
Tschaikovsky, Pjotr Iljitsch |
3024095 |
Symphony #2 in C minor Op.27 'Asrael' (1906) 3d1,2+1,2d2Eb+1,2+1--4,3,3,1,Tmp,perc,hp,str |
SUK, Joseph |
3024097 |
Symphony #26 in D minor 'Christmas Symphony' (1770) 0,2,0,0--2,0,0,0,str |
Haydn, Joseph |
3024135 |
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